Saturday, May 30, 2020

25 Amazing Things That Happen When You Work Overseas

25 Amazing Things That Happen When You Work Overseas Globalisation is in full flight. Speaking of flights,  when was the last time you booked one? And by one I mean one-way. Lets straight up acknowledge that there isnt one universal  pathway for  a young person  to take into their early career. Some people will  focus on academia for longer than others, while many opt for on-the-job training instead.  Theres no right or wrong its what works for you. I know millennials cop a fair amount of flack for job-hopping and wanting the world, only without the work. While there might be elements of truth in there, its harsh conjecture really.  New technologies and social media have made it easier for global citizens to share information, painting vivid pictures of every corner of the earth. Our eyes have been  opened to  a world bigger and more exciting than ever,  and in some ways, smaller and  more attainable than ever. Its only natural to want to explore. While working abroad might not be realistic for many people, if you feel like  its within the realm of possibility,  why not give it a go? Heres 25 amazing things that can (and most likely will) happen to you when you move  overseas for work! (But be warned: even if its  only temporary, the travel bug you catch can stay with you for life). In no particular order 1. You become more independent Its amazing how self-sufficient you become when you only have yourself to lean on. 2. You learn patience and tolerance New customs and social norms render you able to accept and appreciate human difference. 3. You make life-long friends and they become your family. 4. You get a reality shock Seeing how other people live compared to you can burst your bubble in a great way. 5. You are  thrust out of your comfort zone Unfamiliar surroundings will coax new strengths out of you. 6. You swim because you dont want to sink Moving overseas is a huge investment. Naturally youre going to do everything to make it a success thats when great things happen. 7. You grow your professional network You  make yourself known in important circles  and new doors open. 8. You make yourself a better asset to companies Understanding international  markets is a huge value in business. 9. You can become bi-lingual Theres no better and easier way to learn a new language than actually living in the country and practicing. 10. You edge out your  competition You elevate yourself above candidates who have the same qualifications and experience. 11. You become humbled Feeling singled out  in a new place can make you  take a deep breath and get a fresh perspective. 12. You (might) meet the love of your life Not career-related, but happens! 13. You feel free and can reinvent yourself Being in an office full of people youve never met means you can bring your best self forward. 14. You can get some career clarity You will learn more about what you want to accomplish in your career. 15. You experience new things This one goes without saying, but working in a new country means you get to be a tourist outside of work hours! 16. You learn to appreciate what you have at home Its a great opportunity to reflect on your life back at home. 17. You miss your loved ones This isnt a positive in itself, because no one likes to miss people! But it does mean you cherish every second you have with them more than you ever have. 18. You pick up new fashion tips Shopping in foreign stores will give your style a new edge! 19. You grow as a person Your experiences and travel will make you feel richer and fulfilled! 20. You increase your cooking repertoire New cuisines will creep into your cooking book. 21. Your Cv looks great Adding international experience to your CV is really impressive to ambitious employers. 22. You  inspire others Colleagues, friends and family will likely follow in your footsteps, meaning you can open up doors for them too! 23. Family and friends come  visit Showing loved ones around your new home is really fun. 24. You educate people about your country While you absorb new cultures, you can also teach  elements of your nationality to the people you meet! 25. You catch the travel bug the best sickness in the world! The travel bug is often a lifelong condition, and one that, if treated properly with regular worldly trips, will make you happier and more confident than ever. Happy travels!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

When Youre Writing a Cover Letter to Complement Your Resume

When You're Writing a Cover Letter to Complement Your ResumeIt's not easy being the one asking for a job interview. If you haven't been offered the job yet, it can be very stressful trying to come up with a good cover letter and your resume to accompany your RSQE. Of course, the better prepared you are, the better off you'll be for your interview. But there are many steps you can take to make your first interview that much easier.The first thing you should do is research your cover letter. Make sure that the information you include is relevant and easy to understand. The better written your letter, the more confidence you'll appear to have. Also remember that the key to being well prepared is to start out small and build up from there. Remember that you need to fill a few hundred or thousand of these letters every year. Don't get frustrated if you don't get an interview right away.Once you've got your letter in place, you need to focus on the questions you want to ask your interviewe r during your RSQE. The best way to go about doing this is to pre-write the questions in your head first. Write down the questions you'd like to ask your prospective employer so that you don't forget them later on.The next thing you need to do is start filling out your cover letter. As you're preparing your RSQE, keep in mind all the questions you want to ask your prospective employer. Fill out your letter with your best RSQE material.Finally, the most important part of this process is to write the letter. Make sure you know what you want to say and that you know how to deliver the information. When you're writing a cover letter to accompany your RSQE, you want to make sure that the information you provide is comprehensive. Make sure you supply the right job title, job description, and education/experience you've had.When you're done with your letter, it's time to send it out. This is a great way to prove that you're serious about your future in the industry.As you can see, it's fai rly simple to write a cover letter to accompany your RSQE. But the best way to become successful in your career is to be prepared and know what questions you need to ask to prove that you're capable of accomplishing your goals.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to Craft Your Personal Brand Statement

How to Craft Your Personal Brand Statement Before you write blog posts for the masses, before you apply for those positions, before you even set up your LinkedIn profile there is one thing you should do â€" craft your very own personal brand statement. Your bio, elevator pitch and any other descriptive text about you will invariably start out with your personal brand statement. What is a personal brand statement? Your statement is 1-2 sentences answering what you are the best at (value), who you serve (audience) and how you do it uniquely (USP). It sums up your unique promise of value. Your personal brand statement is distinctive to you and you alone. You could liken it with a tagline, strapline or even a catchphrase that product brands will have. The personal brand statement is not a job title. A job title is what others will try to classify you with, what employers and others want you to be to fit you into a corporate setting. You deserve better than that. Its also not your personal mission statement, career objectives or even life purpose. These are much more long-term concepts intended to guide you through life and not aimed at marketing you to anybody. A personal brand statement is memorable, punchy and solution oriented. As opposed to simply saying “John is a boiler man”, why not “John keeps families warm through bespoke heating installations”? To be continued Why do you need a personal brand statement? How many times have you been asked what you do? Do you feel like people really understand what you do or is it merely pleasantries? I bet you can tweak what you say and leave a lasting impression with that person, an impression that might just lead to business one day. Just being another hairdresser or plumber is not going to allow you to stand out. When you dont stand out, you will have to compete against everyone else on price which isnt a great situation to be in. To be successful in today’s economy you have to specialize; you have to choose a topic and master it. Your statement will clarify exactly what you do, how you do it and for whom. By communicating this, you and your target audience will know exactly what you are capable of. How do you write a personal brand statement? Start with listing your key career or business attributes on a piece of paper. Once the list is complete, take a good look at it and pick out the ones that make you unique. These will form your unique selling points, or USPs. Look at your unique values and key attributes and you should be able to develop a 1-2 sentence brand statement, answering these three questions: What value you provide (what problem do you solve) How you do it uniquely (your USPs) Whom you do it for (your target audience) Remember to be clear on the value, dont confuse anyone with any fluffy terms that dont mean anything. Furthermore, what makes you unique in one place may not be unique in another, e.g. big cities will have lots of specialists and experts in certain fields, small towns only one and that makes him or her unique to that location. Target your audience Whom are you aiming your services at? A particular industry, geography, age demographic? Try to stay somewhat focused on a sector of the market and don’t spread yourself too thin. The reason personal branding has become critical for business and career success is that nobody wants to buy from the person that does everything for everyone. Look at what target audience would benefit the most from your services and zero in on this. Stay authentic When writing a personal brand statement it’s easy to get carried away and putting down what you’d like to be one day. The old “fake it until you make it” approach does carry some merit but don’t overdo it. Never call yourself a guru, ninja, samurai, expert or even thought leader unless you truly are one. Only your audience can determine whether you are an expert and you will know if that is the case. The aim of your statement is to inform and inspire the reader, not to scare them off with fancy titles. Make it punchy and memorable Using technical or big words could alienate your target audience. You want a seven-year-old to understand and be able to repeat what you do. Whenever you introduce yourself at a networking event, stay punchy and memorable. Ideally, you will want that person you were talking with to tell other prospective customers what you do â€" this will cover a lot of ground, trust me. Keep it reasonably short Less is more as they say. Your ability to describe exactly what you do in one sentence says a lot about your introspection and professional focus. In some cases, you have to take up two sentences but always aim for one. I will give you a special dispensation to write more if you have done more things in your life than Tim Ferriss. It ain’t cast in iron You will soon find that you are going to tinker with your statement after it’s written up. It’s easy to change it but just don’t get carried away and change it every week. On the flipside, some people will never look at it again. Even though it’s time-consuming, your personal brand statement should be revised at least once a year to reflect changes and advancements in your professional career. In order to be effective, it needs to stay current. Example brand statement Back to our Scottish boiler man, heres an idea for a statement: “John keeps families in Edinburgh (target audience) warm (value) through bespoke heating installations using only the most advanced German boilers (unique)”. This clearly tells you what John does, for whom and gives you an insight into how. I would say the statement is memorable, I for one think of a family keeping warm and snug over Christmas all thanks to the fantastic boiler man John. Call to action Finally, its your turn to start looking at your statement. Don’t put this off, you’ll find that it’s a wonderful marketing tool that you are going to use over and over. Most people haven’t really thought about their statements so you will stand out with an effective one. Over time I would think personal brand statements will be part and parcel of any successful career or business. Do you have a personal brand statement? What is it?

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Should You Go To Graduate School

Should You Go To Graduate School As I have mentioned in previous posts, I am getting my Masters degree. It was a somewhat impulsive decision with regard to the timing. But I always knew that I would seek an education beyond a college education. I have designs on getting a PhD some day as well. And coming from a an educated household, people often ask me how I know graduate school was the right path for me. And I suppose growing up with parents who are professors and having interests in fields that I thought could benefit from a graduate education, I have never really wrestled with whether it was a right idea or not; it was always going to be a matter of timing. For many people however, graduate school is a well-thought out and planned-out decision as it should be. Its expensive, for one. Its also time-consuming for another. And if youre going to invest time, money, resources, and potential advanced interest in a field of study, it is worth it to do your due diligence. So, how do you know if graduate school is right for you? How do you decide if you should go to graduate school or not? In the first place, Masters programs must be distinguished from PhD programs. PhD programs are time-consuming and usually more difficult. PhD programs are for people who are mostly committing their entire careers to a specific field of study, which is why most PhD programs are a full-time commitment. Masters programs are more manageable and while they are also time-consuming and can be expensive, they are mostly for furthering ones potential in a broader industry or career path. People who want to teach and research and gain a specific acclamation in their field, usually pursue a PhD. People who want to learn more about their specific industry, as well as have the potential to earn more in a specific career, pursue a Masters degree. In todays world, graduate degrees are beneficial for several reasons. In competition with someone with a college degree, one is usually found more hire-able. Furthermore, the investment also allows one to expand interests into areas that may be related to aspects of your industry that you may not have been familiar with. Of course, this is especially so for a Masters degrees. PhD degrees as stated before, allow one to get into the nitty gritty of a very specific area of interest. Either way, for better or for worse, and regardless of how many people are getting them, graduate degrees are undoubtedly more valuable than college degrees or less. I will always express my belief that school is not for everyone and that some people can and will succeed without a formal education. But graduate education does provide one with a privileged knowledge base that few people can claim. And its not so much in the financial return as it is or as it ought to be, in the opening of ones mind about the world that surrounds you. But not only the world that surrounds you but also about the world at large even if the focus is on a particular subject. So while I cant give out a particular formula for knowing whether graduate school is right for you or not, I will say that if youve started asking questions about it, thats a good sign. If youve wondered if your knowledge base in your field can be expanded with a graduate education thats a good sign. If youre more curious about your field and related areas of interests thats a good sign. Maybe take a class or meet with advisers and mentors, and if you decide its right for you take the plunge. If nothing else, youll learn a lot more things that you didnt know, and youll learn a great deal about yourself.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Basics of Experience Resume Writing

The Basics of Experience Resume WritingExperienced resume writing services make it possible for people to prepare and write their resumes in a way that meets with the employer's needs. Most employers want someone who has already achieved success in a position in order to fill that particular job opening.Experience can help you in this regard. You may be an employee of a hospital, government agency, or even a private company. Many times when someone gets a job they will start as a provisional employee, and many times they will continue to work their way up the ladder after getting hired.The best thing about working in such a position is that you have the potential to write your employee resume. When you make a resume you are getting paid for your time. The employer wants you to know that you put a lot of time and effort into making the resume.There are many reasons why this is important. Many times your resume will be used to get you to apply for more positions, and the more resumes y ou get the more likely it is that you will get hired. It is extremely important that you also mention any accomplishments that you may have in that position that you were involved in.When you get involved in a certain situation you will have different options when it comes to making it interesting and getting it to have more value to the employer, but it is important that you are aware of the use of this information to career purposes. When you are using your resume for your career reasons you will want to make sure that you are applying for all positions you were offered for a position at a company that is not your position.If you are writing an experience resume, or a career resume for the first time you may need to start off by asking yourself why this particular job opening needs to be filled. This will give you an idea of what you are getting into. You can also use your experience to help to build a strong resume.When it comes to experience resume writing you need to stay very organized. The hiring manager does not want to see piles of resume lying all over the place. The hiring manager will be looking for information that will help them to further determine if you are the right person for the job.By making sure that you organize your resume and use clear and concise language you can eliminate confusion in the future positions you apply for. Your goal should be to make a resume that can be used by everyone.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Google Plus How Tos and Other Resources

Google Plus How Tos and Other Resources There are early adopters fiddling around with Google Plus.   They are trying to find innovative ways to use the tool.   You see, when Google built it, I am sure they had ideas about how they thought people would use it.   But, the fun really starts happening when users begin finding new ways to make it better (fun, worthwhile, profitable, social) If you want to join the club of early users, here are some resources I thought you should follow/check out: GENERAL Google+: The Complete Guide from Mashable (who else!) 5 Google Plus Tips and Chris Brogan from Ducttape Marketing JOB SEEKER Google Plus and Your Job Search from 10 Tips to Use Google Plus For Your Job Search from Undercover Recruiter 4 Ways Google Plus Can Help You Land A Job by Miriam Salpeter on Aoljobs How To Use Google Plus to Increase Your Credibility and Grow Your Career on Career Attraction The Google+ Job Search Resource List from Corn on the Job Are You Ready? I really think that this could become the hub of social networking.   Sure, the others all have their place and purpose, but Googles got something here.   No, dont take my word for it, follow Chris Brogan on Google+ and see what he thinks! Or how about Steve Rubel?   Maybe Brian Solis? You can add any of these folks to your circles without needing to be friends or contacts. Ill continue to update this post as a getting started resource. I would honored if you would add me to one of your circles! What do you want to know about Google+?

Friday, May 8, 2020

When Building Your Business Premises Is the Best Solution

When Building Your Business Premises Is the Best Solution If you are starting or expanding a business, you will eventually have to make a decision where you will be based. If you are manufacturing or setting up a wholesale venture, you will need to be well connected to major road networks, however, if you are setting up a call center, you will have to be at a convenient location for your workers. The premises you need are not always readily available, and you might need to build. Find out more below. You Get a Development Funding In some gray land areas, you will get a government support if you develop the infrastructure of the region or are planning on employing a certain number of people. Areas where unemployment is high and there is a need for economic boost will help you get the funding for your business building project, so you can make the most out of your financial resources. Location Matters Sometimes, you will simply need to be at a specific location, and there are no suitable buildings available. This means that you will have to find the plot, seek planning permission, and employ architects. However, you will be close to your suppliers, customers, and supporting services. You can get in touch with commercial building companies, such as TPM Builders, so you can get your plans together and create a detailed budget. It Can Be Cheaper In some cases it can be cheaper to build your business venue than renting or buying. If you can use steel construction and prefabricated panels for your warehouse, you might even get more parking and storage facilities and better connections, lower maintenance, and better financial deals than buying a building and renovating it to suit your needs. You Are Planning Long Term If you are planning to establish a large, well-connected business that will be the heart of the local community and industry, you might want to plan long term. Instead of renting or buying an old business, you can make a statement through your design and even create a landmark in the area. Long term finance will suit your business budget better, and you can benefit from tax reductions, in some cases. You Need Custom Features Sometimes, your business is built around innovation, and no existing building can accommodate the new technology you are trying to implement. If you need the space, the security, the energy source, and the connections to make your business become a reality, and must have custom features, such as the latest loading and unloading ramps, you might want to build instead of renting or buying. When you are facing the decision in your business where to set up your head office or main distribution area, you will have to consider your options carefully. Make sure that you create a detailed plan and budget, take advantage of the government development incentives, and you can save money long term and establish your brand in the heart of the community, making the most out of your investment.